Archive for the ‘’ Category

What’s the secret to happiness?

If I knew, I’d tell you!


Sometimes, I think I’m perfectly happy.  I’ve worked hard for all the good things in my life (the ones that can be worked hard for, anyway), and I’ve been mostly blessed with the rest.  Last year’s health scare and ultimately, my splenectomy were probably the scariest things I’ve ever experienced, and were completely beyond my control.  I mean really — a virus mis-diagnosed by CT-scan as pulmonary embolisms?  Which are then treated with blood thinners which might (or might not) have contributed to a splenic hematoma, which was probably caused by the virus?  Who can prevent THAT?  Not me, that’s for sure.

But, I’m blessed with good medical insurance (that I work hard for the job that provides it), good hospitals & doctors (just luck on my part), and wonderful family & friends who helped me through the whole ordeal.  I don’t exactly work hard for them, but I do put effort into maintaining all those relationships, because ultimately, they’re the most important thing I have, and I think, the source of true happiness.

Financial security (relative) & good planning help too.  Winning the lottery probably wouldn’t hurt either.  😉

Ask me anything

If you could eat dinner with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

My grandpa Anderson. We’d go to The Villa in Wayland, down the street from where he lived. He passed away when I was 8, and I still miss him horribly!

Ask me anything

Would you rather be rich or famous?

Duh! Rich.  What about you?

Ask me anything

1 week :)

Happy 1 week blogging anniversary to me!  I revived this blog last Friday, and I somehow managed to post something every day!  🙂

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading so far, and enjoy the pictures, which I admit right now, will be mostly of my kids.   And probably a lot of pretty shoes.  Especially in the summer.  In the winter, the girls & I don’t have nearly as much variety because it will inevitably be cold & wet again here.  Sadly before we know it.

So, I’m trying to enjoy summer while we can.  Especially summer weekends.  Tomorrow, the girls start their 2nd session of swimming lessons, and I’m thrilled that we got them into the early class (9:00 a.m. instead of 1:00 p.m.).  Not only will I not be so melting hot watching these outdoor lessons, but their sunscreen won’t need to work quite so hard.

Later Saturday, we’re going to Joey’s 7th b-day party, which is being held at a local “Pump-It-Up” inflatable party place.  I’ve never been, and the kids are beside themselves with excitement at the idea of an hour or 2 of bouncing in/on inflatable structures.  AND getting cake & goody bags.  I can’t wait to see what kind of cake Andrea comes up with, since her Spongebob Squarepants cake ( was so arse-kicking awesome!

Sunday will also be an exciting day, because Jim’s cousin Stephanie is visiting Boston!  Hi Stephanie!  We love you, and can’t wait to see you.  ♥

Somehow we’ll squeeze in a trip to the grocery store, a few loads of laundry, and some chores/errands that we never have time for during the week.  Before I get to any of it though, I have a half-day of work today (I hope!).  My company is hosting an “employee appreciation lunch” today at the Aquarium from noon — 4 pm.  We’ve never done it, so I have no idea what to expect, and then we can go home from there.

The big catch is that I can’t go (or go home right after) if there’s anything urgent this morning that requires me to stay.  So, I’m crossing my fingers & toes that there won’t be anything urgent that requires my attention (& office presence) past 12:00.

Have a great Friday, everyone!  🙂

p.s.  I’ll probably try to get a few more old pictures out of my phone today too.

p.p.s.  I also added a link to in my “about page” so that it now reads “ask me anything”.  I think the site will require you to create an account to ask me a question, BUT, if you want to ask me anonymously, it will let you do that too, and when I answer, I can post it here for everyone to see.  You know, assuming it’s not going to piss me off, because we all know THAT’s not pretty!  😉